Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Gender Divide

The girls recently told Mr. Tickles and I that they were planning a clothing swap with some of their work friends. What is a clothing swap? Glad you asked. Apparently a clothing swap is when girls get together to exchange the crap gently worn clothing that they don't want anymore. It's probably safe to assume that there is also copious amounts of wine and birth control yogurt consumed at these things.

Not to be outdone, Tickles and I decided to have a few of our work friends over last weekend for a more manly get together. Our plan: drink beer, eat wings, and play the Mario Kart 64 drinking game (look it up, you won't regret it). The basement was filled with so much raw, masculine energy you could practically taste it (mmm spicy!). Needless to say, our get together was awesome.

So faithful readers, I'll let you be the judge, which party would you choose?

NOTE: I couldn't think of a good way to incorporate this into the story, but it's important to note that one of our coworkers showed up to the man party with a monogrammed LL Bean backpack (yes, the kind you had in middle school) that had a package of condoms and a roll of duct tape in it. He's single. Get in line ladies...

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