Saturday, February 2, 2013

The day my life changed for the worse

Meesh has finally established herself as Club Belmont's very own Lindsay Lohan.  I dont think I'm out of line calling Meesh crazed and out of control after what she has done to my innocent and once beautiful vehicle.
Artist Rendition of Meesh paying for her actions
I apologize if my thoughts are not written as coherently as they have been in the past but I am writing through a lot of emotions right now.  You see, I dont know how else to cope with the feelings I am going through than to explain the chain of events that have occurred today. 
There I was minding my own business having a productive little Saturday when suspect #1 stormed into the apartment.
McQ: "Hey Meesh! Good to see ya, whats going on? Hows your Saturday?  Tell me all about it, I really want to know because I'm a great roommate!"
Meesh: "Well, something bad just happened."
McQ: (Concerned) "What do you mean? Are you alright?"
Meesh: "I'll, pay for it I swear!"
McQ: "Meesh, what did you do?"
Meesh: "I kind of hit your car while trying to parallel park in a space the size of the Super Dome."
McQ: (crying) "What do you mean you kind of hit the Dragon?"
Meesh: "I mean I ruined your car, but atleast I told you!"

I'm in a weird place right now.  I dont know if I should press charges, or if I should go outside and buff the scratch off my bumper. 

Thanks to ClubBelmont for the opportunity to run my side of the story before the press gets a chance to stretch the truth.

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